Each week, we explore different holy text within the Bible as part of our weekly Sunday sermons. While we base our discussions on the teachings of the Bible, we connect them to our hectic, confusing modern day lives. Our worship services combine reflection on the scripture, singing, praise, praying and a message. Both the pastor and lay people (men, women and children) participate in and lead in worship , service and spiritual growth. Please join us Sundays at 10:00 a.m.!
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PLEASE NOTE: We are meeting in the Sanctuary for worship. Please feel free to come out and join us. If you have questions, please contact us through our Facebook page (@SantaPaulaFCC), email us at fccsp.doc@gmail.com, or call our pastor, Rev. Jenny Crosswhite at 805-351-5501.
This page is regular updated with some of the most recent sermon topics.
SUNDAY, March 30, 2025
Scripture: Mark 14: 1-11
The world Jesus lived in was filled with uncertainty. Religious leaders plotted in secret, Judas wrestled with betrayal, and even Jesus’ closest followers misunderstood His mission. Yet, amid this turmoil, one woman created a sacred moment—anointing Jesus with costly perfume in an act of pure love and devotion. Her offering was met with criticism, but Jesus saw her heart.
We, too, live in uncertain times—wars, division, and personal struggles often cloud our vision. Yet sacred moments still break through. A kind word, a generous act, or a prayer whispered in faith can become a holy offering to God.
This woman reminds us that even when the world feels unstable, we can choose worship over worry, devotion over distraction. In uncertain times, God invites us to create sacred moments—offering our best to Jesus, trusting that He is present and working, even when we don’t fully understand. What sacred moment is God calling you to today?
Join us this Sunday as we explore Mark 14:1-11 and the theme, “A Sacred Moment in Uncertain Times.”
SUNDAY, March 23, 2025
Scripture: Mark 12: 13-34
This week, we watch as the religious leaders continue to test Jesus with a series of questions to try to trap him. First, the Pharisees and Herodians hit him with a question about paying taxes to Caesar. If Jesus opposes paying taxes, he risks being arrested. If he supports it, he risks alienating his followers. Next, the Sadducees challenge Jesus with a question about marriage in the resurrection. Finally, a scribe asks Jesus about the greatest commandment.
In all these situations, Jesus demonstrates wisdom and grace, even though the religious leaders were trying to trap him and define faith on their own terms. But Jesus invites them (and us) into a deeper trust. Faith is not about having all the right answers or controlling outcomes. It’s about giving ourselves fully to God, trusting in his power over life and death, and building our lives on the foundation of love.
Join us this Sunday as we explore Mark 12:13-34 and the theme, “From Testing to Trusting.”
SUNDAY, March 16, 2025
Scripture: Mark 11: 27-33
When Jesus and His disciples enter the temple in this week’s scripture, the religious authorities—the chief priests, scribes, and elders—are still reeling from his actions the day before, when he forcefully cleared the money changers and merchants from the temple courts. His bold defiance of their leadership prompts them to confront him.
Rather than falling into their trap, Jesus turns the tables on them. He challenges them with a question of his own—one they refuse to answer because acknowledging the truth would require change. This encounter only further intensifies the tension between Jesus and the temple leaders.
May we not be like these who were so afraid to losing power and control that they refused to see how they were hurting the very people entrusted to their care and defying the lessons God was trying to teach them. Instead of letting Jesus’ message and truth change them, they plotted to have him killed.
Join us this Sunday as we explore Mark 11:27-33 and the theme, “A Question of Authority.”
SUNDAY, March 9, 2025
Scripture: Mark 11: 15-19
In our scripture for this week, Jesus enters the temple and overturns the tables of the money changers, driving out those who have turned a sacred space into a marketplace. His passionate actions reveal his deep concern for true worship and justice. He declares, “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations, but you have made it a den of robbers” (Mark 11:17).
This disruptive moment is a call to renewal. The temple, meant to be a place of prayer and welcome, had become a space of exploitation, where religious leaders profited at the expense of worshipers. Jesus’ actions are a call to examine our religious institutions and even our own hearts. In what ways are we creating spaces that reflect God’s love, justice and holiness? Where in our lives do we need a holy housecleaning, spiritually speaking?
Join us this Sunday as we explore Mark 11:15-19 and the theme, “A Holy Housecleaning.”
SUNDAY, March 2, 2025
Scripture: Mark 11: 1-11
Sermon: Inspiring Hope, Not Fear
When Jesus entered Jerusalem, he did so in a way that stood in stark contrast to the royal processions of the Roman emperors. While Rome’s rulers paraded through cities on warhorses, surrounded by armed soldiers to display their dominance, Jesus came humbly, riding on a colt. His entry was not a show of force but a declaration of a different kind of kingdom—one built on love, peace, and hope rather than fear, control, and violence.
The crowds that lined the streets of Jerusalem shouted, “Hosanna!”—a cry for salvation. They placed palm branches and cloaks before Him, welcoming a King who did not demand loyalty through intimidation but inspired devotion through His compassion. The reality was that many still misunderstood His mission. Jesus came not to overthrow Rome but to offer a hope that no empire could provide.
In a world where fear too often dominates, Jesus calls us to trust in a kingdom not ruled by fear, but by grace. Join us this Sunday as we explore Mark 11:1-11 and the theme, “Inspiring Hope, Not Fear.”
SUNDAY, February 23, 2025
Scripture: Mark 10: 46-51
The road to Jericho was steep and dangerous. It was known for ambushes and provoking fear. Yet, in Mark 10:46-52, it becomes the setting for a powerful story of faith and transformation. Bartimaeus, a blind beggar, sits by the roadside, longing for hope. When he hears Jesus of Nazareth is near, he cries out, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" Despite the crowd's rebuke, he persists, his sight is restored, and he follows Jesus.
This story reminds us that hope is found even on life's most challenging paths. Bartimaeus' faith and Jesus' compassion transform a place of fear into a moment of grace. Even when others dismiss us, Jesus hears our cries and calls us forward, inviting us to leave behind the cloaks of fear, doubt, and despair.
Join us this Sunday as we explore Mark 10:46-52 and the theme, “Hope on the Jericho Road.”
SUNDAY, February 16, 2025
Scripture: Mark 10: 32-45
This week we will explore together what it truly means to lead and live like Jesus. During his ministry on earth, Jesus lead by example. He washed his disciples’ feet, he welcomed the outcast, and he helped people find the healing they needed. Jesus questioned systems that valued people based on social status and wealth rather than servanthood and seeking the best for others.
According to Jesus, true leadership, isn’t about how many serve us but how many we serve. If we want to lead and live like Jesus, we must be willing to put others first, seek humility over status, and measure greatness not by authority but by love in action.
Join us this week as we explore what Jesus was trying to teach his disciples, and us, about leadership how to lead humbly while not becoming a doormat. Join us this Sunday as we explore Mark 10:32-45 and the theme, “Leading & Living Like Jesus.”
SUNDAY, February 9, 2025
Scripture: Mark 10: 17-27
In Mark 10:17-27, a wealthy man approaches Jesus, asking what he must do to inherit eternal life. He confidently claims to have kept all the commandments since his youth, as if checking off a list of righteous deeds. Yet Jesus, looking at him with love, sees beyond his outward actions and challenges him to surrender what truly holds his heart—his wealth.
Jesus’ response reveals a deeper truth: faith is not about rule-following but about wholehearted trust in God. The young man had done everything “right” by religious standards, yet he still lacked something essential—complete surrender. When Jesus calls him to sell his possessions, give to the poor, and follow, Jesus is inviting the man into a deeper relationship and to become one of his disciples. He is inviting him to devotion over duty. While this text isn’t saying actions don’t matter, it is saying that those actions must be more than religious performance.
SUNDAY, February 2, 2025
Scripture: Mark 10: 13-16
Even though Jesus had just taught his disciples about the importance of welcoming the children, in this week’s scripture we see those same disciples attempt to turn away parents who are bringing their children to Jesus. Jesus in turn scolds his disciples and welcomes the children with open arms. His words and actions carry a powerful message: the kingdom of God is accessible to all, especially those who approach with humility and trust.
Jesus teaches in this passage that entrance into God’s kingdom is not earned through power, status, or self-sufficiency. Instead, it is received as a gift, with open hearts and hands. By welcoming the children, Jesus shows that no one is too insignificant for His attention and calls His disciples to remove, rather than create, barriers that hinder others from experiencing God’s grace.
Join us this Sunday as we explore Mark 10:13-16and the theme, “The Accessible Kingdom.”
SUNDAY, January 26, 2025
Scripture: Mark 9: 38-41
In this week’s scripture, Jesus’ disciples struggle with exclusivity. They try to stop someone casting out demons in Jesus’ name because he isn’t part of their group. Jesus challenges their narrow thinking and reminds them that God’s work is far bigger than they can see. Jesus also explains to them that small acts, even as simple as giving someone a cup of water in his name will not be unrecognized.
For Jesus’ followers today, this passage reminds us that God’s work in the world is far bigger than our group, tradition, or understanding. As followers of Jesus, we’re called to celebrate the diversity of God’s work, value acts of service both big and small, and resist the urge to exclude others. Let us embrace the beauty of a mission that’s bigger than us and honor God by working together and sharing His love with the world.
Join us this Sunday as we explore Mark 9:38-41 and the theme, “It’s Bigger than Us.”
SUNDAY, January 19, 2025
Scripture: Mark 9: 30-37
This week’s scripture reminds us that in God’s kingdom, true greatness isn’t achieved by climbing the ladder of success, but by stepping down to lift others up. Jesus states, “If anyone wants to be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” To illustrate, He places a child in their midst, declaring that welcoming such a person is akin to welcoming Him and God.
This upside-down vision of a kingdom challenges worldly values of power and self-promotion. It reminds us that true greatness lies not in dominance or recognition but in humility, service, and care for the least and the vulnerable among us. Following Jesus, therefore, means embracing this countercultural way of life which is marked by humility, service, and radical love. Will we dare to live it?
Join us this Sunday as we explore Mark 9:30-37 and the theme, “Upside-Down Kingdom.”
SUNDAY, January 12, 2025
Scripture: Mark 9: 14-29
This week, we return to our journey through the book of Mark, encountering a desperate father seeking healing for his son, argumentative scribes, and disciples struggling to help in the way they want. This passage invites us to reflect on discipleship, faith amid human frailty, and the role and power of prayer.
The scripture reminds us that faith is not about certainty but about trusting God’s sufficiency—especially in times of doubt and uncertainty. It challenges us to consider: Where in our lives do we need to lean on God in prayer? Afterall, faith doesn’t grow from perfection but from trusting the One who meets us in our need.
Join us this Sunday as we explore Mark 9:14-29 and the theme, “Leaning on the Everlasting
SUNDAY, January 5, 2025
Scripture: Matthew 2: 1-12
As the Magi followed the star to Jesus, they embarked on a journey of trust, guided by a special light in the sky. Like the star led them, we too are invited to follow God’s guidance into the new year. As we step into 2025, we embrace again the tradition of receiving a star word—a single word to guide and inspire us throughout the year.
As you receive your word for 2025 this coming Sunday, trust that it is a gift from God, chosen to illuminate your path. Whether it inspires, challenges, or surprises you, let it guide your journey of faith, much like the star that led the Magi. May this year’s word draw you closer to God and God’s abundant gifts, shaping your steps as you continue seeking Him.
Join us this Sunday as we explore Matthew 2:1-12 and the theme, “The Gift of a Word.”
SUNDAY, December 29, 2024
Scripture: Colossians 3: 12-17
Having reflected on the gifts God has given us over the past few weeks, the Sunday after Christmas invites us to consider how we will live in response to these gifts in the coming year. This week’s scripture paints a vivid picture of this life: one where we are “clothed” with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. These virtues reflect the gifts of hope, peace, joy, and love that we have been celebrating throughout the Christmas season.
However, the message in these verses isn’t just for us as individuals. It calls us to consider how these gifts shape our life together in community. To live this out, we must clothe ourselves in love, allowing the peace of Christ to rule in our hearts. In doing so, we can bring harmony and healing to our relationships and communities.
As we step into a new year, may we embrace the call to be clothed in love, embodying the unity and gratitude that reflect Christ to the world. Join us this Sunday as we explore Colossians 3:12-17 and the theme, “Living the Gift.”
SUNDAY, December 8, 2024
Scripture: Numbers 6: 22-27 & John 14: 25-27
During the holiday season, there's often so much to do and seemingly less time to do it. This can easily lead to anxiety. I know some people who have decided to skip optional tasks, such as decorating, or to intentionally make more time for what matters most, as a way of trying to avoid the unease that can creep up in December.
Our scriptures for this week remind us that during this busy season, we should not lose sight of the true peace that we are being offered as a gift. At times it is a peace that is beyond our understanding, and it is always more than just the absence of war, hate, or disagreement. It is “shalom” peace that brings us wholeness, wellbeing, right relationship, and abundant life.
In a season too often marked by chaos and distress, let us reflect on how we can be peacemakers and how we can better cultivate this peace in our hearts and in our lives. Join us Sunday.
SUNDAY, December 1, 2024
Scripture: Psalm 121
The Christmas season often brings joy and celebration, but for many, it can also highlight struggles, losses, and unmet expectations. In these moments, despair can overshadow the light of the season. Psalm 121 offers a powerful antidote, reminding us where to fix our gaze when life feels overwhelming.
Throughout the psalm, we hear promises of God’s unfailing care. We are reminded that God watches over us, never sleeps, shields us from harm, and guards our steps. These reminders call us to exchange our despair for hope, trusting that God’s presence is constant and His help is sure.
At Christmas, we celebrate the ultimate expression of this help: Jesus Christ. His birth reminds us that God enters into our brokenness to bring hope and healing. Join us Sunday as we explore Psalm 121 and the theme "The Gift of Hope."
SUNDAY, November 24, 2024
Scripture: Mark 9: 1-13
As we wait for Advent to begin, we find in Mark 9:1-13 a powerful reminder to prepare our hearts by focusing on three spiritual practices: listening, seeking renewal, and embracing mystery.
In the busyness of the coming season, listening for God’s voice through the teachings of Jesus helps us focus on the true meaning of Christmas—peace, hope, joy and love. Advent also offers a time for spiritual renewal. Just as Jesus led His disciples up the mountain for a glimpse of His glory, we are invited to pause and find refreshment in God’s presence. Moments of stillness, prayer, or worship help renew our spirits and keep us focused on what truly matters. The Transfiguration story also encourages us to embrace the mystery of faith. The Christmas story is filled with wonder and invites us to approach this mystery with open hearts, allowing awe to deepen our faith, even when we don’t fully understand.
As we prepare for the celebration of Christ’s arrival, may these practices shape our Advent journey, opening us to God’s transforming love. Join us Sunday as we explore Mark 9:1-13 and the theme “Listening, Seeking, and Embracing the Mystery."
SUNDAY, November 17, 2024
Scripture: Mark 8: 11-30
In a moment of curiosity and candor, Jesus asks His disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” This question, nestled in Mark 8:11-30, is about much more than titles. It’s a question that invites us into a deeper understanding of who Jesus is and, equally importantly, who we are called to be.
These verse of scripture are dense with reflections on belief and spiritual blindness, faith and doubt, and how small things can have big impact (good and bad). This passage also reminds us that healing, like understanding, sometimes comes in stages and not all at once. As we reflect on these themes, we will be asked to explore who we are becoming as we seek to follow in the way of Jesus.
Join us Sunday as we explore Mark 8:11-30 and the theme "Identity and Discipleship."
SUNDAY, November 10, 2024
Scripture: Mark 7: 24-30
Can anything cause us to reconsider our assumptions about others? In our scripture for this week, as Jesus is trying to escape from everyone, he encounters a non-Jewish woman (a Syrophoenician) who is seeking healing for her daughter. Jesus’ initial reaction to the woman, an outsider, is jarring for us today, even if it was contextually understandable. What ultimately happens, however, is that Jesus is moved by his interaction with her and heals her daughter, demonstrating that God’s grace and mercy extend beyond cultural and religious boundaries.
This week’s scripture invites us to embrace a faith that makes room at the table for everyone, especially those we have been taught to eye with suspicion. Jesus’ ultimate response to this woman shows us that God’s love is not exclusive or restricted. Rather God’s love breaks down barriers, expanding God’s kingdom to include all people. The “table” around which we gather each week should be a place for people to find healing, be nourished, and know that they are loved.
Join us Sunday as we explore Mark 7:24-30 and the theme "A Place at the Table."
SUNDAY, November 3, 2024
Scripture: Philippians 4: 1-13
In everyday life we have many things that cause us a great deal of stress! It's election season, family needs, kids, birthdays, travel, holidays, the list goes on and on. One of the things that robs us of being present in the moment the most is feelings of anxiety, which lead to several other emotions that can take away from our general feelings of positivity, hope and joy.
In the book of Philippians, Paul is imprisoned, but hopeful, and shares of that hope through his writings to the Philippians. Paul shares good news, and charges them to improve their standing by remaining focused on the teachings, actions and example of Jesus Christ, even as he himself is jailed and chained to a guard.
In our scripture this week, we will look at how Jesus and his disciples call us to remove our focus on the worldly things, and be focused on what the Lord calls us to do. Through Christ's strength in times of suffering. This includes prayers and encouragement and a focus on God's provision.
SUNDAY, October 27, 2024
Scripture: Mark 7: 1-8, 14-15, 21-23
In our scripture for this week, the religious leaders are once again criticizing Jesus’ disciples, this time for not following ceremonial handwashing rituals. In response to their criticism, Jesus teaches that it's not what goes into a person that defiles them, but what comes from their heart. He challenges them—and us—to consider the difference between outward appearances and inner reality.
Too often, we can get caught up in rituals, rules, and traditions, mistaking them for true faith. But Jesus reminds us that real holiness isn’t about merely following rituals; it’s about cultivating a heart aligned with God’s love and righteousness. This Sunday, we will consider how to move from empty ritual to real, life-giving faith. Join us as we examine the true source of purity and what it means to have a heart transformed by God.
Join us Sunday as we explore Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 and the theme “Living from the Inside Out.”
We will be gathering in person this Sunday at 10am, please email our pastor, Rev. Jenny Crosswhite, at fccsp.doc@gmail.com if you have any questions. You can also stay connected with us by visiting our website (www.firstchristianchurchsp.com) or calling Pastor Jenny at 805-351-5501.
SUNDAY, October 20, 2024
Scripture: Matthew 22: 34-40
Sermon: Love in Action
In Matthew 22:34-40, Jesus summarizes the law with two commandments: to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and to love your neighbor as yourself. Loving your neighbor as yourself means recognizing the inherent dignity in every person and treating them with the same care and kindness that you would want for yourself. It calls for empathy, understanding, and active compassion. This kind of love is not just about feelings, but about action—choosing to serve others, listen deeply, and extend grace even when it’s difficult.
In a world often marked by division, loving our neighbor as ourselves challenges us to break down barriers and create communities of care, respect, and mutual support. It’s about seeing the image of God in others and reflecting God’s love through how we live and relate to those around us. Ultimately, this love binds us together in ways that heal, restore, and unite.
Join us Sunday as we explore Matthew 22:34-40 and the theme “Love in Action.”
SUNDAY, October 13, 2024
Scripture: Mark 6: 14-29
Sermon: Lawful, Righteous, Holy
The story of John the Baptist’s execution in Mark 6:14-29 is a powerful reminder that being lawful, righteous, and holy are not the same. Herod Antipas, though a ruler bound by law, lacks righteousness. He imprisons John for speaking against his unlawful marriage, yet fears executing him because he knows John is holy and righteous. Herod is caught between conflicting desires: to protect his image and appease Herodias, and to honor his recognition of John’s holiness.
Herodias, enraged by John’s condemnation of her marriage, manipulates Herod into executing him, using her daughter’s dance. This moment in the story exposes how corrupt power can bend law to serve selfish desires. Herod follows through on his deadly promise, prioritizing his social standing over justice. The execution of John the Baptist is not lawful in God’s eyes, even though it is carried out under the guise of royal authority.
Join us Sunday as we examine John’s unwavering commitment to truth and his untimely demise in Mark 6:14-29, exploring the theme “Lawful, Righteous, Holy.”
